
Boardman House, 64 Broadway
Stratford, London E15 1NT


+44 (0)20 3305 8124

Office Hours

Monday – Friday : 9am – 6pm
Saturday : 10am – 2pm


The terms and conditions below (‘Terms’) represent an agreement between the school ( ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’) and the applicants(‘you’, ‘your’) for the academic year. By accepting the application offer or continuing with your registration at ETEN College, you must adhere to the terms and conditions. Need you have any further queries, contact ETEN Colleges by using the given contact link on the website.

Definitions in these Terms and Conditions:

Academic Year: For purpose of comprehension, this is the period of time for which a specific course runs. An academic year can commence at different points throughout the calendar.

Application Fee: Application fee is the non-refundable payment made with regards to a particular application.

Continuing Registration Fee: This is a mandatory payment required to re-register applicants after the first academic year.


A contract is an agreement signed between the applicant and ETEN College. The policies, procedures and regulations attached to the application will be stated in this form.

Offer: This is the written proposal of a secured academic placement in ETEN College.

Programme: It is the chosen or registered course of study at ETEN College.

Programme Fees: Programme fees includes the tuition fees and administration fees payable by you in relation to the Course you have applied for or have been registered for at ETEN College. This also includes the fees to be paid for dissertation and assessments. The complete fee list is available on the website.

Registration Deadline: This is the last date for online registration with ETEN College.

Virtual Learning Environment / Learning Management System: The online platform providing you with the programme and school details.

In addition to these Terms and Conditions, there are other regulations, policies and procedures which apply to your registration (or continuing registration) at ETEN cOLLEGE and your Programme. Details of the regulations, policies and procedures applicable at the time of accepting these Terms and Conditions, and the location of such documents, can be found in the table below. It is your responsibility to read these documents carefully as they, together with these Terms and Conditions, form the Contract between us and you.

  • Academic-quality-policy
  • ETEN Malpractice Policy Version 3
  • GDP Policy
  • Equality and Diveristy Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy


Upon receiving the application fee, will we begin the process for an application at ETEN College. It is the complete responsibility of the applicant to ensure transparency of required information and ensure all information needed for the application process is being provided. If any fraudulent information or incorrect information is discovered by the school, that particular offer will be withdrawn. According to the General Regulations, termination of a registration will take place without any subsequent award.

Evidence of Qualification

There is a need for satisfactory evidence of your qualifications:

Before receiving the offer, the applicant will need to provide valid academic transcripts and certificates. ETEN College performs audits to test the authenticity of the documents sent. If the qualifications and the documents aren’t satisfactory, the applicant will not receive an offer.


  • If the applicant meets the academic qualification requirements for the particular programme, an offer will be issued under the registered applicant.
  • If the applicant does not meet all the requirements for admission, either the applicant shall receive a conditional offer letter stating the outstanding academic or other requirements to be fulfilled for the school to offer an unconditional offer letter. Or, an advice letter will be sent stating the needful requirements to be completed within a certain date for the applicant to receive an offer.
  • If the applicant has not satisfied the outstanding requirements within the given time frame, the application will be expired and the applicant will need to re-apply if interested in the programme at ETEN College.
  • There are cases when changes need to be made to a particular offer before the applicant accepts it. If so, the updated offer will be sent as soon as possible and the applicant will be informed.
  • Upon receiving all the required documents and qualifications, an unconditional offer will be issued to the applicant.
  • The applicant can accept the offer by registering with ETEN College before the assigned deadline.

Changes to the Programme after registration

The school will take maximum measures to ensure that changes are minimum with respect to the programmes offered. If there are any changes (as described in the offer letter) made prior to the start of the academic year, the applicants will be informed as soon as possible. If the applicant feels that the changes made will adversely affect them, they may withdraw the application upon informing the school. The application fee will be refunded in such a circumstance.

Discontinuing a Programme after registration: Reasonable measures will be taken to provide all programmes. Had there been any changes or omissions due to insufficient number of applications for a specific programme, the programme can get cancelled. This will be notified to those who have applied for that specific programme. If applicants are unhappy with this decision or if the school is unable to replace the programme, they may withdraw their application and the application fee will be refunded.

Studying on the programme

We shall:

  • ETEN College shall ensure that all programmes are delivered with reasonable care and skill. It will be guaranteed that the programme taught will be in accordance to the description mentioned in the website and the contract about the programme. The academic requirements of the programme will be outlined to the applicants at the start.

You shall:

  • If applicants are studying the programmes online, they will need to obtain any clearance or permission to study in their particular country. Please note that qualifications obtained online are not always recognised by relevant authorities such as ministries pf education or regulators for public sector employment or even further study. It is the sole responsibility of the applicants to be aware of the recognition of online study in their country of study or country they intend on pursuing a job opportunity.
  • All applicants need to have access to a computer and internet connection in line with all technical requirements of the chosen programme.
  • The applicants should abide by the specifications offered for the programmes and fulfil all requirements expected by them.

Fee payment and payment method

  • You agree to pay all Programme Fees required for your Programme. Information in relation to Programme Fees and how to pay can be found at clause 1.3.8. Fees are only payable in accordance with the available Fee Payment Methods.

The following elements of the Programme Fees, as applicable, are non-transferable within the same Academic Year and cannot be carried forward to subsequent Academic Years:

  • Registration Fee
  • Continuing Registration Fee
  • Assessment entry fees
  • Any fees payable to external parties, including, where applicable, examination centres, are your sole responsibility.
  • You acknowledge that, certain fees are not included in your Programme Fees and are payable to us separately.
  • Programme Fees are payable to us in full. Where any applicable law requires local taxes or charges to be paid, these are your sole responsibility in addition to the Programme Fees.
  • Fees are not usually refundable. Applications through the portal for refunds or partial refunds will be considered on a case by case basis

Registration Fee

  • To register for your first Academic Year, you must pay the Registration Fee. Until Registration Fees are paid in full:
  • You cannot register with us for your first year of studies
  • We will not release your first year Programme materials to you, including through the Virtual Learning Environment

Continuing registration

  • In addition to your obligation to pay any applicable Programme Fees, where you are required to pay a Continuing Registration Fee as informed, you must do this annually when requested for each subsequent year of your studies after the first Academic Year.

Until the Continuing Registration Fee is paid in full:

  • You cannot re-register with us
  •  We will not release the relevant Programme materials to you, including through the Virtual Learning Environment
  • You will not be able to enter any written assessments for the Academic Year
  •  Where no Continuing Registration Fee is payable, you may still be required to reregister with us for each subsequent year of your studies after the first Academic Year. Until you re-register, we will not release the relevant Programme materials to you, including through the Virtual Learning Environment.

Payment of fees by a third party

If a third party is paying all or part of your fees, you will be liable for the payment of those fees in the event of non-payment by the third party

Non – payment of Fees

  • Until all outstanding Programme Fees are paid to us, we reserve the right at any time during the Academic Year to suspend or withhold all education-related services and facilities (including assessment entry, Virtual Learning Environment services, and provision of student support).
  •  Before exercising our rights under clause, we will give you reasonable notice of our intentions.
  •  If you are in debt to us for Programme Fees, you may not be allowed to sit your examinations and we reserve the right not to allow you to register for the next Academic Year.
  •  If you are in the final year of your Programme, we will not release your certificate, or
    a letter of confirmation of award, until all outstanding Programme Fees are paid. In
    order to attend the Graduation Ceremony your Programme Fees must be paid in full.

Complaints Procedures

  • If any student is dissatisfied with any aspect of the programmes offered at ETEN College, the student’s complaints and academic appeals procedure according to clause 1.3.6, students can resolve these concerns fairly and amicably.
  • If there are concerns about an examination that may not have been conducted in accordance with the instructions or ETEN College Regulations, the Procedure for Consideration of Representations concerning Decisions of Boards of Examiners, outlined in ETEN College exam regulations (1.3.7) sets out the stages to follow to make representations for ETEN College to consider on the grounds of administrative error. No appeals may be brought against the results of examinations on academic grounds.
  • After having followed the stages to completion as set out in the Academic Appeals and Complaints Procedure or the Procedure for Consideration of Representations concerning Decisions of Boards of Examiners respectively, if still dissatisfied, students have the right to make a complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education.

Disciplinary Offences

  • If you do not act in accordance with this Contract, we may take disciplinary action against you under the ETEN College Ordinance: Code of Student Discipline at clause  above. One of the possible outcomes of such an action is that your Contract with us may be terminated and you may be removed from the Programme. As a consequence, you may not be entitled to any refund.

Intellectual Property

  • You will comply with our Intellectual Property Policy throughout the Programme.

Data Protection

  • Your application data will form part of your student record. By entering into the Contract with us, you are giving us the right to hold and process your personal data including some sensitive personal data. We will process your personal data in accordance with Data Protection legislation, our Data Protection Policy, and our Student Privacy Notice.
  • You agree that the Data Protection Policy  apply (applies) to your application and throughout your registration with us


The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the applicants and ETEN College. All previous agreements, arrangements and understandings relating to the admission procedure for a Programme, whether written or oral, shall have no legal effect unless expressly set out in the Contract.

Note: It is important to read and understand the Terms and Conditions before proceeding