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Towards establishment of data-centric approaches for geotechnical reliability assessments

发布时间:2024-11-11    浏览次数:

报告题目:Towards establishment of data-centric approaches for geotechnical reliability assessments
报 告 人:Dr. Yat Fai LEUNG
主 请 人:
时  间:2024年11月13日上午10-12点
地  点:铁道校区世纪楼14楼会议室


This talk covers various aspects relevant to the establishments of data-centric engineering, especially in the context of geotechnical reliability assessments. These include (i) compilation of databases of triaxial test results for several common soil types across different parts of Hong Kong; (ii) development of probabilistic analysis approaches to reveal the influence of geo-material variability to geotechnical system reliability; and (iii) implementation of new instrumentation technologies, such as distributed fibre optic sensing, to create new types of monitoring data in civil and geotechnical engineering. In particular, example applications to slope engineering, deep excavations and foundation engineering will be presented to highlight the potential benefits and significance of data-informed approaches in civil and geotechnical engineering.


Dr. Leung is currently Associate Head (Partnership) and Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained PhD degree at the University of Cambridge, UK, and had practiced in the industry in the USA and Hong Kong before joining PolyU. His research interests include soil-structure interaction, reliability of geotechnical and structural systems, probabilistic analysis approaches and novel geotechnical instrumentation technologies. He has received various awards on research, teaching excellence and knowledge transfer. He has been serving as the President of Hong Kong Geotechnical Society since 2022.