2011年9月8日上午9:30国际风工程协会(IAWE)主席、日本东京理工大学教授田村幸雄(Yukio Tamura)在铁道国际报告厅作《Full-scale and Model-scale Studies in Wind Engineering(风工程中的足尺和缩尺模型研究)》,公司师生共一百余人参加了田村教授的报告会。
国际著名风工程专家、国际风工程协会现任主席、国际风灾减灾组织主席、日本风工程协会前主席、日本学术会议联络会员、日本建筑学会抗风设计委员会主审人;田村幸雄教授毕业于日本早稻田大学,现为日本东京工艺大学教授,是日本多项国家级重大科研项目负责人、日本COE(2003-2007)计划负责人,Global COE项目风工程专题的负责人(2008-2012),并受聘为《国际风工程与空气动力学》、《结构工程进展》、《风与结构》、《高层与特殊建筑的结构设计》等国际著名期刊编委,获美国土木工程师协会ASCE Cermak奖章、日本风工程协会奖章、日本建筑学会奖章。
Prof. Yukio Tamura is the director of Wind Engineering Research Center in Department of Architectural Engineering of Tokyo Polytechnics University (TPU) and the director of TPU GLOBAL COE (centers of excellence) Program under Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japanese Government. He Obtained Bachelor’s, Master’ degree and Doctor’s degree in Waseda (早稻田) University in 1969, 1971 and 1981, respectively.
He is the president of the International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE). He has received the honors of the Prize of Architectural Institute of Japan in 1993, the Prize of Japan Association for Wind Engineering in 1994 and Jack E. Cermak Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2004. Prof. Yukio Tamura has research interests in wind engineering, control of wind-induced vibration and monitoring of wind-induced structural response.
He is also the honorary or adjunct professor of many famous universities all over the world.