在校时间:2019/09-2022/07 |
年级:2019级研究生 |
所学专业:建筑与土木工程 |
指导老师:蔡陈之副教授 |
学历:硕士研究生 |
学位:硕士 |
电子邮箱:1093737528@qq.com |
》》2015/08-2019/06 威廉希尔,土木工程,本科
》》2019/09-2022/06 威廉希尔,建筑与土木工程,硕士
[1]Cai C, Gao L, He X, et al. The surface wave attenuation zone of periodic composite in-filled trenches and its isolation performance in train-induced ground vibration isolation[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 139: 104421. [2]Gao L, Cai C, Mak C M, et al. Surface wave attenuation by periodic hollow steel trenches with Bragg band gap and local resonance band gap[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 356: 129289.